Let the hike begin!





I have hiked quite a bit in Grayson Highlands State Park / Lewis Fork Wilderness / Mt Rogers Recreation Area but mostly in specific loops along designated trails.  This was partly due to the logistics of not having to arrange a shuttle or staging vehicles and was designed for a single vehicle.  It also helped focus the hiking on the highlights of the area to maximize the short amount of time spent there which was mostly around the Grayson Highlands State Park section.

But this hike was different – we had more time to explore the entire area from one end to the other and absorb the surroundings from the significant to not so significant – and all of it turned out to be very significant!  Basically, we traversed these entire park and one or two more from one end to the other by way of the Appalachian Trail.  There were a few areas such as Elk Garden that I never had the opportunity to see on my previous hikes to the region.

So, this trip encompassed everything we already hiked and knew was great about the area in addition to new areas like Elk Gardens and everything in between.  We were hoping for some awesome hiking and it delivered incredible results.

We knew the timing could be somewhat sketchy since we would be starting our hike on the Labor Day weekend and the popular areas would most likely be packed with people.  For this reason, we started our hike from the Mt. Rogers Headquarters via shuttle that we were able to acquire through the Mt. Rogers Outfitters in downtown Damascus.  Their shuttle prices are very good and are on the prior website link.  They also have a fine selection of outdoor goods in their store.  There are a few other businesses who will shuttle hikers for a fee as well.

The weather was very good overall with little rain.  The temperatures were pretty warm in the day and night as well and were right on the border of being comfortable hiking weather.  The nights just didn’t cool off enough for my preference.  I’d say the nights were generally in the upper 50’s to low 60’s.  I’d prefer closer to the upper 40’s.

If I did this hike again I’d wait a week because the temperature dropped 10-20 degrees and it would have been more comfortable hiking.


Agenda for hike

DAY 1 – We shuttled to Mt. Rogers Headquarters and hiked a short distance and camped.  Good potable water at the headquarters so we loaded up before hiking to campsites.  There were no other people in the area so we had our choice of campsites.

DAY 2 – Hiked to Trimpi shelter and tent camped near the shelter.  Very good creek water source next to campsites.

DAY 3 – Hiked to Hurricane Mountain shelter and tent camped near the shelter.  Good water source.

DAY 4 – Hiked to Fairwood Rd and picked up food drop at one of our vehicles then proceeded to Old Orchard shelter – hiked on to the Scales then down to Wise shelter.  Met a hiker by the trail name of Baked at Wise shelter and ate lunch there then hiked on to within about 3/4 mile of Thomas Knob shelter and tent camped.  No water source where we camped so had to hike to Thomas Knob water source then back.

DAY 5 – Hiked down to Elk Garden and on up to Whitetop Mountain and then to Buzzard Rock.  Hiked on and slept in Lost Mountain shelter.  Gabbed with Flashlight and Grandpolian – they stayed at the shelter as well.  This is a beautiful area – with a ton of very flat tent camping in the area.  Water source so-so – not terrific but worked.

DAY 6 – Hiked on to Saunders Shelter and tent camped.  Good water source.

DAY 7 – Hiked on to Damascus.  This day included some time on the Virginia Creeper trail – great place to bike.



1) ULA Circuit Backpack

2) Enlightened Equipment Revelation Quilt 40 Degree

3) Thermarest Neoair Trekker Speed Valve – no longer made but here is Thermarest Neoair Trekker without Speed Valve

4) Oboz Sawtooth II Low Hiking Shoes – Really like these shoes but the proprietary soles not as sticky or durable as Vibram

5) ZPacks Solplex Tent w/removable bathtub floor – Love this tent!

6) ZPacks Groundsheet Poncho – Bathtub

7) ZPacks DCF Rain Kilt

8) MSR Pocket Rocket Deluxe Stove



Best restroom sign ever…





Partnership Shelter – about 300 feet behind the Mt. Rogers Headquarters. The shelter was closed and we didn’t stay there. This shelter was one of the nicest shelters I’ve ever seen.







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Cucumber Magnolia seed pod thingy…











Maple Leaf Viburnum?







Crazy looking tree – this pic just doesn’t do it justice








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Comers Creek Falls - officially this trail was closed but we hiked it anyway. The bridge was in disrepair and required a one person at a time crossing. Sketchy!











My ZPacks Solplex at our campsite down the hill from Trimpi shelter.



View from the privy at Trimpi shelter






Need to cross this bridge to get to Fairwood Rd. We had a vehicle there with our resupply. This creek is beautiful.





Here we go – we are resupplied with food and now heading up to Old Orchard shelter – all uphill!




Old Orchard shelter area is awesome! I’ve camped in and around the shelter over the years. I’ve been here when there were tons of people and there is plenty of room for a lot of people.





Virginia is known for all sorts of rock formations like this one. They are all a beautiful shade of gray.







Time for lunch – we made it to about 5000ft and we were all ready for a break. We ate lunch here then crossed the cattle gate to lay out in the sun for a nice long rest.



After lunch nap spot…. sunny and a good place to dry out a bit.



Stepping out of the woods and close to The Scales





Crossing the Scales





Crossing pasture – fields on our way to Wise shelter. My first time in this section and blueberry bushes everywhere!










I’ve always hiked the Scales Trail down to Wise shelter – it’s a lot shorter than hiking there by the A.T. The A.T. was much more fun.


The ponies come out of the woodwork when you get the food out. No, I did not give them any food.



Wise shelter – love this area! It feels like it’s secluded more than normal. It’s a nice size open area with plenty of room for a lot of people.




From Wise shelter to Thomas Knob was a brutal hike when you consider we had come from Trimpi shelter and by the time we were done we completed a 15 mile day.
















We camped just up from Thomas Knob shelter. I was way too tired apparently to get a pic of our campsite or anything. We got the usual weather that happens up near Thomas Knob – very cold and a mist that was like rain.










On our way to Elk Garden

















Found this little guy on the Lewis Fork Wilderness sign – he almost had me fooled into thinking he was just a stick.




Crabapple trees all over the place. Just dont bump into one because they are full of thorns.



Crossing Elk Garden – beautiful place with views forever. Im not sure what the structure is in the distance.








Good place for a lunch break then up up and up to Whitetop mountain.














Buzzard Rock in the distance. That is Grandpolian standing to the left – we hiked with him for awhile





Once we came down from Whitetop mountain we ate lunch then crossed the road to cow pastures. This was great!



Looking back from where we came from







Privy at Lost Mountain shelter



I don’t normally stay in shelters unless it’s brutally cold but we were all thankful for the shelter on this rainy evening.















The A.T. crosses and follows the Virginia Creeper trail for a short bit.  It was nice to be on level graded ground but it didn’t last long before we were climbing again.





Small pond on the trail just made me want to wet a line! Just past this pond is a junction where you can take the Beartree Gap trail to the Beartree Gap campground.









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Saunders Shelter – we were going to hike on into town but decided to tent camp near this shelter. One of my crew was not feeling up to the 16 mile hike to town.



Saunders Shelter is actually pretty cool – lots of fairly flat room to tent camp on a plateau just above the shelter as well as behind and beside the shelter. The Privy is another story altogether!


Looking back



This was a little sketchy step-up to these rocks.









Here is where the A.T. comes out of the woods and joins the Creeper trail for the short hike to town.




























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